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I am a woven textile designer creating collections for mid to high end interiors. The attraction to weave comes from its complexity and technicality, I find the process and endless possibilities inspiring in itself, which means I am constantly developing my practice.  

Although I always have a clear goal, creating commercial fabrics for interiors, I find many different origins. Not only does nature provide an abundance of inspiration, but man has also forged wonders. I enjoy the challenge of translating these marvels into woven fabrics. Colour and texture play a large part in my designs. No matter how subtle, these are the elements that perfect any structure/ weave. 

After my Degree course I would like to experience different areas of the weave industry, developing my understanding by working with mills over the country. I have already undertaken a placement with Bute Fabrics Ltd (Bute, Scotland) and Wallace Sewell (London). 

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